Fall 2010 overlooking the working area

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Displays

December '13 With the onset of winter it is time to continue the story about the Havey Mine. It has been a very exciting year with a lot happening but that will be for later. For now anyone that is near or will be visiting downtown Portland, ME stop in and visit Cross Jewelers and you will have a very Havey Christmas. They have done a tremendous job and have on display 6 videos of some of the different tourmaline pockets that were found of late along with some of the tourmaline crystals on display. They also have some extra large posters of some of the pockets hanging on the wall. Available also is a 4 page color spread of some pictures from recent pockets along with a detailed description from the jewelers point of view of us digging out a tourmaline pocket.
Below is a video that some of you may have already seen from youtube. No, this is not a picture of me holding the crystal, it is Ron Larrivee. For anyone who knows Ron say you saw his picture holding the tourmaline crystal. We are trying for him to reach "Rock" star status.

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